YCCC is pleased to announce that Amanda Kenney has been named to the Maine Community College System (MCCS) All-Maine Academic Team in recognition of her outstanding academic achievement, leadership, and service. Amanda will graduate this month with her degree in Business Administration and plans to continue on to earn her bachelor’s degree.

“I am honored to receive the recognition. I am grateful for the professors, the administration, and classmates who have given me the motivation and support to reach this achievement.” said Kennedy “Choosing a college, like YCCC with supportive faculty, and having a support system outside of school makes achieving goals of secondary education possible.”

The All-Maine Academic Team is a program of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges. Students are nominated and selected for the team by their college. She was awarded a $500 Scholarship from the Maine Community College System Board of Trustees.
